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Obsah fóra agroserver.sk -> Traktory -> Fostering Thoughtful Dialogue on Modak
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Založený: 19 marec 2023
Príspevky: 68

PríspevokZaslal: Št apríl 18, 2024 10:06 pm    Predmet: Fostering Thoughtful Dialogue on Modak Odpovedať s citátom

While the world grows increasingly interconnected through the internet, human bonds aren’t strengthening at the same pace. Modak seeks to change that through an incentive system focused on enjoyment. Users will earn rewards by participating in constructive conversations on subjects they feel passionate about. People who have valuable insights will be encouraged to speak up because the more they contribute, the more they will be rewarded.

Modak utilizes its currency — the $WOOD token — to encourage good faith participation. After enjoying video chats and contributing to the community, you’ll earn $WOOD to use within the community. You can tip peers who contributed value, donate to causes you support, or gift it to friends. This system enables genuine contributions to be acknowledged. Although rewards systems can sometimes be gamed, Modak believes using $WOOD to spotlight real merit will organically improve the community’s health.

Modak’s journey is just beginning. As the DAO matures, the foundations for positive engagement will only go stronger. If you seek a refreshing alternative to the current social media landscape, one centred on video chat, that fosters meaningful connections and rewards genuine contributions, then Modak extends an invitation you won’t want to miss. Join the Modak community today and experience the power of purposeful dialogue and authentic connections.

For details, please see the below links:

=> Website Address: https://modak.town/
=> Step-by-step YouTube Instructions: https://youtu.be/eM28E3oasJ0?feature=shared
=> Medium Post: https://medium.com/@modaktown/modak-wood-referral-36d2a086cd9f
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